Koleksi Penanda Buku Ilmuwan Jawi
Saiz Penanda Buku : W (15 cm) x L (6 cm)
Koleksi Penanda Buku Ilmuwan Jawi mengandungi 8 keping penanda buku yang setiap satunya mempamerkan nama-nama ilmuwan Jawi yang telah banyak menyumbangkan ilmu agama Islam kepada seluruh masyarakat Melayu.
- Hamzah Fansuri (16th Century)
- Nur al-Din al-Raniri (17th Century)
- Abd al-Ra'uf al-Fansuri (17th & 18th Century)
- Dawud al-Fatani (18th & 19th Century)
- Raja 'Ali Haji (19th Century)
- Wan Ahmad al-Fatani (19th & 20th Century)
- Zayn al-'Abidin @ Za'ba (20th Century)
- Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas (20th & 21st Century)
Jawi Scholars Bookmark Collection
Size: W (15 cm) x L (6 cm)
The Jawi Scholars Bookmark Collection contains 8 bookmarks, each showcasing the names of Jawi scholars who have greatly contributed Islamic religious knowledge to the entire Malay community.
- Hamzah Fansuri (16th Century)
- Nur al-Din al-Raniri (17th Century)
- Abd al-Ra'uf al-Fansuri (17th & 18th Century)
- Dawud al-Fatani (18th & 19th Century)
- Raja 'Ali Haji (19th Century)
- Wan Ahmad al-Fatani (19th & 20th Century)
- Zayn al-'Abidin @ Za'ba (20th Century)
- Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas (20th & 21st Century)
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RM 5.00Harga
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